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Tesla Cybertruck Matte Black Styling

Tesla Cybertruck Matte Black Styling

Tesla Cybertruck is set to hit the road at the end of this month, and fans have received a sneak peek at a special surprise. The iconic stainless steel body has received a makeover with a striking matte black wrap, marking the first time the Tesla Cybertruck has been seen in a color other than its classic unpainted stainless steel finish.

While we’ve seen the Cybertruck with various wraps before, they were primarily used for camouflage or playful disguises to resemble other vehicles. These wraps fueled speculation that Tesla might offer wraps as an option for Cybertruck buyers. However, none of the wraps seen previously suggested they would be publicly available.

Tesla Cybertruck: A Serious Styling Option

A “Teslas & Coffee” event in Santa Monica brought the striking matte black Cybertruck to the notice of observers. Unlike previous wraps, this one seems like something one might not be embarrassed to drive in, moving beyond the basic quirkiness of a triangular vehicle.

Factory Customization Options

Tesla CEO Elon Musk initially mentioned that “Cybertruck can have any color you want, so long as it’s nothing.” He explicitly stated that Tesla would not offer wraps, at least initially, but noted that third-party installers would be available for those interested. However, with the Cybertruck finally nearing production and initial deliveries slated for the end of this month, the possibility of Tesla offering wraps seems more likely.

Tesla’s Experiment with Wraps

Tesla recently began offering its wraps for the Model 3 and Model Y, with prices starting at $7,500. These wraps are more expensive than typical vinyl wraps because they use paint protection film (PPF), which is thicker, comes with a longer warranty, and offers better paint protection. Notably, the Cybertruck lacks paint beneath its stainless steel exterior, raising questions about the necessity of PPF and whether more affordable vinyl could suffice.

Tesla’s interest in wraps and the introduction of the matte black Cybertruck suggest a change in the company’s customization strategy for cars. With the launching date of the Cybertruck drawing near, factory wraps and customization possibilities are seeming more and more realistic. Because of Tesla’s flexibility and customization options, Cybertruck enthusiasts may soon have an exciting new method to personalize their cars.

"Wrap your Cybertruck, turn heads, and drive the future in style!"

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