Operator's manual for Tesla Model X LR and Plaid 2022 +

Find the user manual for the Tesla Model X LR and Plaid 2022 +

The user's manual of each Tesla allows to learn more about the car, the functionalities but also about the advices of use and the characteristics to know. It is always interesting to know more about your car, before or after receiving it, to get a good grasp of all its features.


A lot of very interesting information about the features but also about the equipment are present. You will find for example the explanation of the steering wheel controls, the use of the screen, but also important information on the wheels and tires of your Tesla Model Y .

Also available in Europe for each language

A selection of popular items for your Tesla Model X

Model XPractical, useful accessories to improve the comfort or the aesthetics of your Tesla. You will find a complete range at Green Drive Tesla Accessories, your specialist Tesla.